flora in the realm of self-care and minimalism.


The Various Methods and Benefits of Armoatherapy

By Mrinalini Sundar Images Endlesslyloveclub

The by-products of our current world, such as anxiety and all of its associates, have become a more prominent reality. We’ve learned that there are several tips and tricks one can do to manage this collective feeling. One proven method is the use of essential oils for aromatherapy.


In a report published on Hopkins Medicine, Harpreet Gujral, Program Director of integrative medicine at Sibley Memorial Hospital mentions that,

Even if essential oils just boost your mood, it can make a positive impact on your health and well-being.
— Harpreet Gurjal

Besides having effects on our state of mind, these essential oils can also keep insomnia at bay, boost energy, and help focus during difficult times. Most importantly, aromatherapy is a step towards a self-care routine that is passive and effective.


DoTERRA, a popular name in the essential oils market, has reported an increase in purchases. Public Relations Director Kevin Wilson speaks with The Daily Universe and touches upon how consumers are looking for products that "keep their hands and living areas clean, strengthen their immune systems, manage stress, and remain calm during uncertain times. They want to remain positive and reduce stress during these challenging times."

The Purify Oil consisting of lemon peel, tea tree leaf, cilantro and herb oils is a best seller that purifies and freshens the surrounding air. For those who want a good long night's sleep, the Serenity Restful Complex with lavender goodness and natural plant extracts eases insomnia. Perhaps the most suitable for our current times, is the Frankincense Oil. The specific oils from this unique lavender blend helps support healthy cellular functions, immune systems and nervous functions. As a by-product, a peaceful, reminiscent aroma will takes presidence in the room. 


Essential oils in the form of aromatherapy can be used in combination with necklaces, bracelets, and chains that absorb, then release onto your skin throughout the course of the day. The option of  body oils and  aroma sticks  make the entire experience of aromatherapy more functional, multi-faceted, and enjoyable.